Monday, December 16, 2013

12/13-Guest Host Larry Van Aalst vistits with Christopher Silva & William Seppi

Christopher Silva - President & CEO of St. Francis Winery
Being President / CEO of St. Francis Winery would be more than most of us could handle. Chris is not only in that enviable position but is also one of the young Wine Industry notables who gives tirelessly to his job and community. St Francis is one of the most well know of the Sonoma Valley Wineries and the world wide acclaim is what we will discuss , along with finding out about  the new winemakers.

William Seppi - Costeaux French Bakery
Having won both local and national honors , Costeaux French Bakery is a Sonoma County treasure. Located in Healdsburg , the bakery is a must visit for all those touring the local Wine Country. Will is General Manager and one of the family who made Cousteaux into a favorite spot in our area. We will talk about the Holidays and his role in the big San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition coming up in January.